In the meantime, though, the garden is coming alive. Some of the daffodils have already come and gone. The tulips have only just began to bloom. Above is a pink one with highlighting on the petal edges (from a bag of mixed tulips that came as a bonus with an order from Blooming Bulb the fall before last). I'm surprised - pleasantly of course! - to see this guy back. I've bought mainly species tulips as I haven't expected others to be able to handle the combo of our clay soils and mild winters.
This fragrant tulip with the charcoal eye is Little Beauty - a carefree species tulip. Species tulips are those that occur naturally in the wild. They tend to not be as fussy as the hybrids they have spawned - and return more reliably without being lifted. Now if only I could find a tulip the critters around here wouldn't consider a tasty snack!